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Molly's Thoughts

 LOL! I found this online. . . and it TOTALLY describes my situation this semester!! Haha. Trying to get all my classes in and getting good grades in them so I can graduate is crazy and difficult!! Hopefully though, my hard work and lack of a social life will pay off and I will graduate this Spring!

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Pumpkin Spice Fro Yo

What Halloween would be complete without Pumpkin Spice frozen yogurt???? It was soooo D-lish! Yum yum yum!! Yogurt Meal is muy muy MUY bueno and I just LOVE it. (also. did you notice how "YUM" spelt backwards is "MUY"?? Ha. Neither did I until I wrote the above!)

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I call this the "I am waiting for Prince Charming to ride over the hills...but until he does, I'll just look so peaceful and all refined." It's a good caption. I know.
Ok. I had to post this. I just look so serene lol. But seriously. I like this picture :)

**HEY!!! Check out these videos!!!!! :D**

