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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Visions of Gingerbread

Oh me gee! I seriously have been meaning to post a lot more frequently during this month!! There are so many fun fun fun fun fun things happening that I could honestly have something new to post about each day!! BUT that's kinda the problem! I am so busy there aren't enough hours in the day to blog like I want.

Since I'm pressed for time, I won't update you on the gingerbread wars quite yet. I want to do that justice...so. What I'm going to do, is tell you about the Christmas Spirit. A lesson I learned through this year's gingerbread house.

I, as you will know if you read previous posts, love gingerbread houses. They are FANTASTIC. And so, naturally, I was very much looking forward to making a crazy cool one for the gingerbread season! Alas. It was not to be. The visions of gingerbread beauty and gumdrops which danced in my head were not to be.

Though still a bit saddened at the outcome and truly trying to see the inclusion of my brothers as a wonderful family bonding time...I give you...

this year's gingerbread house.
She's a real beauty ain't she? Hold on, got some more pictures for you...

The fact that my brothers had such fun making the gingerbread house was really great. I'm happy when my family if happy. And honestly as far as family gingerbread houses go, this is a rather good one. Crazy, insane, and not aesthetically organized. . . but still good.

Jon is quite the decorator. And the wall he and Joe did is very. . . .colorful and Van Gogh like.

 I guess I just wanted my gingerbread house to be a bit more. . .organized. And with a lack of the gingerbread man crime scene we ended up with. Classic boy's touch.

But I can say this. When I look back, I'll remember that this is really what Christmas is about. NOT the crime scene lol but the fun and loving aspect of the Christmas season. So I didn't get to have the perfect gingerbread house I was looking forward to. BUT for the past couple years no one really helped me with the decorating when I wanted them to. This year, Joe and Jon helped and had a lot of fun. That's more valuable than a good-looking gingerbread house and I'll take it!
Culprit still at large

As a side note...I went walking the Christmas lights!

Yes. Where I live we have the BEST Christmas lights! I just had to take a picture by a Super Mario Bros themed house. It was a must.

I hope to blog again before Sunday...but if I don't...
Have a Wonderful Christmas!! Remember that without Christ, there is no Christmas!!

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